Just Jump Already! Relaunching, Reimagining and Rediscovering My Style.

If you've been following my blog for a while, you'll know the efforts it took to get this up and running. From struggling to coordinate schedules, trying to find a balance with family life, falling into creative ruts and struggling to pull myself out of it…I mean, whatever you can think of happening– happened.
It seemed like every and anything was working against me and I was ready to throw the whole idea away. But the thought of not having a space to creative dump haunted me even more. And so, here we are!
However, for the last year I've been dedicating my time to finding a flow with life in this season. Deep in my healing journey and rediscovering myself, my thoughts and even my personal style. Unfortunately, it's just been a struggle for me to share from this space with so many things unfolding, but I'm ready to jump back in.

For those of you who are familiar, my family and I celebrated 3 years of nomad life in an RV. It's truly been a dream-come-true kinda life and I've been documenting that over on Instagram (takingthesimicroute). And while it's been fun, I feel like it's time to get back to my thing.
This time around though, "less thinking, more doing". So expect to see more current events recaps and reviews. More "how-to's" where I walk you through outfits I enjoyed and the ones that didn't quite manifest how I expected. I'll be sharing hair care tips and tricks for natural hair, what I've learned thus far on my healing journey and maybe even sharing places that my family and I have enjoyed as well.

I can't tell you how excited I am for this chapter and hope we'll get to spend more time together in this corner of the internet.

Dedicating this post to everyone who’s in a space of stagnancy and needing a sign to start over. Be brave. Trust yourself and create the life you want for you.
Cheers to starting over as many times as we see fit and going after dreams that've been planted in our hearts.