On This Day Last Year...

Out of all the love stories I've heard, ours is by far my favorite.

8 years, 3 months. That's how long we were together before the engagement. I know a lot of people would say that's an eternity to be in a relationship without the officialness, but our timing was ideal for us.

We would always talk about what we wanted our engagement and wedding to look like. I didn't want a grand, public engagement. The thought of that made me cringe. And Milan being...well...Milan, he wasn't going to compromise on the grand part and wanted it to be intentional and thoughtful in the way that it happened.

The first detail to what I like to call, the biggest surprise of my life, was a couples' trip to Venice. This would be the first trip we take, just the two of us, in 5 years. It goes without saying that we enjoy traveling as a family, but those who know, know that a vacation with a kid in tow doesn't always feel like a vacation.

We arrived in the morning to an absolutely stunning walk up apartment. A garden terrace featuring magical views of the Grande Canal, that would later be the backdrop of many late nights and early mornings and eventually, our engagement photos. The interior was adorned with 16th century furniture, setting the scene for a whimsical but romantic feel. It couldn't have been anymore perfect than that. We spent that evening strolling the neighborhood, stopping to watch the gondolas pass under the bridges. A casual dinner at one of the restaurants along the canal by the Realto Bridge, as we bore witness to the fleeting sunset skies. After dinner, we took our time walking back towards the apartment, but not before stopping at the wine bar and ending our night with a bottle on the terrace.

The next morning, Milan went down to the coffee shop and brought us back coffee that we enjoyed, again, on the terrace. Unbeknownst to me, also plotting and confirming what will go down in our history as one of the biggest surprises of my life. He told me that he made reservations at a nice restaurant so "dress nice" and proceeded to cue the music and delivered it to me in the bathroom on a mini speaker as I did my hair and make-up.

I was the only foolish fez wearing heels through the city that day. Had I known we were going to be taking a walking tour, I would've opted for a more comfortable option, but I can't deny how pretty I felt. My love and I, dressed up, hand-in-hand walking in one of the most remarkable cities in the world! And after embarking on a summer of healing for the both of us, I think it would be fair to say falling in love all over again.

Our first stop on this day was lunch at Restaurant Terrazza Danieli, an elegant rooftop dining experience watching boats and water taxis come and go in the Venetian Lagoon. We stared across the waters at the church steeple on San Giorgio's island as a light breeze wrapped us up in fairytale bliss. Though I taunted Milan at the bite sized meals, the food was exceptional. I had never had scallops so good in my entire life. In fact, I had never had scallops before that moment, and let me tell you, so good! The lamb ragu was a close second best.

Buzzing from our lunch-time wine, we took a little walk through the narrow streets browsing shop windows, at least that's what I thought we were doing. In reality it was all apart of Milan's masterplan. We walked and paused every once in a while, peeking into store fronts letting the AC cool us down even for just a second. Out jumped an extremely expressive man who called me beautiful and welcomed me to the city. I had no idea what he was saying, but I thanked him and hurried away.

"Principessa, benvenuta a Venezia. Today is going to be your beautiful day, keep walking this way..."

We walked on over to grab coffee at Caffe Florian Venezia, the oldest cafe in the world. With the infamous San Marco's square serving as the backdrop and before us a well organized orchestra playing classical tunes on piano and violins alike. We sat in the center of the crowded tables and ordered a double espresso for him and a cappuccino for myself. At that moment, a white tuxedo wearing waiter approached us and said "Miss, if you don't mind the band would like to play something for you." When I replay this moment, I feel like I should've known something was brewing, but I was so caught up in the ambience, in the cafe, in the city, in this mood. I confusingly obliged and sat in the moment feeling so full with the love of my life right next to me.

We finished up, and began walking towards the Lagoon, with nowhere really in mind, just walking, again holding hands, beaming from ear to ear. Me from trying to understand how was this my real life and him from his mastermind plan going accordingly. As we continue to stroll, the quintessential Italian man, you know the one, with the hair and everything, approached and asked us to "follow him, he wanted to show us something." I started to tell him no while looking at Milan who was already walking in his direction. That is not like him. Like at all. Reluctantly, I follow suit to a boat almost waiting on us. The man jumped in, turned around, and reached for my hand. "Please watch your step." If I wasn't confused before, now I definitely was! Mostly that Milan was ok jumping into some strange Italian guy's boat. He starts the engine and I lean over to Milan and whisper "he's gonna charge the sh*t out of us for this." I figured he wasn't bothered, so I leaned back in my seat and savored the moment. He pulled up to San Giorgio's Island where we disembarked and he drove away into the distance.

The day was only getting more weird by the minute, and of course I was oblivious under the spontaneity and randomness of it all. I was with my man, what was there to worry about? We stepped down from the taxi port and was instantly greeted by a violinist. I tried to avoid eye contact as to not usher him our way, but it was too late. "Do you like music, Miss? Something romantic maybe?" I chuckled awkwardly as the vibe had now shifted and everything started to feel strange. Internal alarms were blaring but I dismissed them almost immediately. We continued to walk with the violinist not too far behind us. Looking over at Venice, Milan cradling me from behind sharing a story of what he later explained to me to be about love, passion and doing anything for the person you love. But at the time, The Greeks, the horses and cities burning down, wasn't making any sense to me.

So many things were going on around us at one point. A man running for his life, from a dog who was barking, a videographer and photographer ducking in the shadows, are they shooting a movie or something? Then there was this man, down, in front of me on his knee.

Every movement, every sound that was deafening before, ceased.

My chest tightened and I turned away. Suddenly finding it hard to breathe. Panic. Deep breath. Was I tripping? I turned back to him, and indeed, there he was. Handsome as ever and still in the same position. Patiently waiting.

He spoke for a good 2 minutes, I could see his lips moving, but I didn't hear a thing. He reaches into his pocket and that's when it hits me, oh my God, it's happening.

Shocked and in complete disbelief, I start replaying the whole day in my head. He didn't rush me while I was getting dressed, the amazing lunch, the weird guy in the alley, the orchestra, the boat guy with the good hair, the violinist who wouldn't go away and now this camera crew!? How!? When!? And then he whispered "Oh sh*t!" dropping his head in defeat, I looked into his eyes and then we both started laughing...

In the stress of it all, making sure everything was happening as it should, he grabbed the wrong ring box. The box that held the box. A very classic Milan move, not at all apart of his grandiose plan, but in the end turned out to work in our favor because we ended up having to call the boat guy, who whizzed us up the Grande Canal and back to our Airbnb, where we got some epic photos and was able to continue the proposal with a ring this time. Sealing the deal on our once-in-a-lifetime Venice trip.

We popped a bottle of champagne, laughed, cried and tried to piece together everything that had just unraveled in the last few hours. 'Til this day, I find myself staring at him in disbelief, wondering how in the hell he pulled the whole thing off without me even suspecting anything. The planning, the coordinating, the execution. Blown away. Speechless. Amazed. And in awe of how committed and determined he was to do all of that for me. For us.

Back at the apartment, we squeezed in a few more moments. The interior had too many pockets of perfection not to take advantage of in such an occasion. On the terrace we reenacted the "getting down on one knee" but this time, with the ring! Annnd here come all the emotions again. I loved my ring, I loved that moment, I loved the thoughtful details and my perfect gentleman. There's nothing that I would've changed from that day.

Siri play Amazed by Lonestar

Photography Laure Jacquemin

Videography Andrea Rizzo

"The Murky Middle"

What's "The Murky Middle" And How The Heck Do I Get Out Of It?

"The Murky Middle" like Imposter Syndrome but instead of the feeling of not being good enough, or smart enough, you feel as though the talent or skill you do have isn't being used in the way you want it to be. Frustration stems from you feeling misaligned.

That's how Christina Whittaker explained it on her TEDxAlpharettaWomen talk on Youtube. A video I accidentally clicked on looking for deeper insight on Imposter Syndrome and how other people identified with it.

For me, there were always some relatable traits on how my "imposter syndrome" played out, except the descriptions kept mentioning not feeling adequate in the work place specifically. Feeling like a fraud for landing in rooms or among people you would consider smarter, or more experienced. It was always career geared. What about when it's not only work place related?

The same feelings but not that you're not enough, instead, that the opportunities placed in front of you, or the rooms you do land in does not exactly allow you to flex the muscle you'd like. You feel stuck in spaces that don't give you the satisfaction of feeling accomplished because they're not exactly in-line with the goals you've set out for yourself, or the conversation you'd like to be apart of.

To me, it's slightly worse than self-doubt. It's saying I know I can but I can't see it for me right here, right now. "The Murky Middle" is Imposter Syndrome's cousin who's staying over for the weekend but never wants to do what everyone else is doing.

The depressive state I spent last year fighting off, was in large part due to this exact feeling. Feeling like I hadn't been able to fully express myself through my work. Whether it be time, space, resources, and most times all those things at once. Not feeling creative enough, or just not being in the right headspace out of frustration or mental exhaustion. And then it becomes a revolving cycle.

Home life was constantly conflicting with my need get out there and get creative. My husband always had to work, therefore a lot of the parenting and household duties fell on me and by the time I had time to tend to my things, I was beat! And burnt out. Aside from the fact that Milan's work is what was and still is paying the bills there really wasn't much room for me to demand that time-or at least, that's how I felt.

Late 2021 we made some big purchases and spent that year and the following year in debt and engulfed in pressure, wondering if we could handle it. Where most people sold their homes and all their belongings to kick start their RV life, we didn't have that option. So money and spending it became a cringey subject, let alone to fund this dream of mine which at one point was my lifestyle.

That feeling of being close to a breakthrough and then have it halt all of a sudden was a shock, not knowing how to express that and most times feeling like I had to suppress those feelings was suffocating. Not being on the same wave length regarding this and essentially other things with your partner can leave you in a whirlwind of emotion and doubt and well...need I say more.

Last summer was a summer of healing. Deep-digging, soul-searching healing. It's forced me to look at what I want my life to look like for me. Understanding the content I share or the subjects I speak on should be a direct reflection of my story and where I am mentally, emotionally and even spiritually in the present. But forcing or expecting perfection and not wanting to do anything until it's achieved, will only perpetuate the stagnancy I feel.

"The Murky Middle" wanders through every so often, I'm just in a better headspace to navigate those feelings a little better. I've drafted up somewhat of a strategy to get to where I want to be and I am fully committed to pouring into all that comes to my spirit when it comes to my craft.

I also, more than ever understand that being teachable is a superpower but being open and willing to being a self-starter will unlock some doors too. For someone who hasn't had concrete industry experience for a long time, it's something that I hold insecure feelings around. For someone who has grown up in a world where education and a degree does not hold the value it once did, I'm on a quest to learn as  I go and figure out how to implement it whichever way it applies.

Vulnerability isn't second nature to me, it's definitely a muscle I've had to work at developing, but I find that when I can speak on what's cooped up in this head of mine, it sounds less crazy and I feel a little less ridiculous. Sharing this vulnerability can be crippling at times, but I started this blog with the purpose of being transparent and open in hopes of connecting with and inspiring someone who may be feeling somethings and not knowing exactly how to word them. Because too many times I've been that somebody.

...and if you are that somebody (Aaliyah voice), I pray this phase you are in comes to pass, but first I pray you learn to embrace it, understand it and take something earthshakingly valuable from it before you let it go.

Leaving you with a quote that I thought was very fitting. Until next time...


It's Been A Little While...Chapter 34


First and foremost, hi! I hope you've all been well. For some of us life has been life'ing at 100mph and left us gripping the handle bars and bracing for impact. What I've learned, or continue to learn is just because things are out of our control, it doesn't always have to mean "bracing for impact" metaphorically or in real life, for something to come crashing down.

Life has been life'ing for me but in a good way, a beautiful way. In a way that I can tell it's been God or the universe (because I truly believe in both) orchestrating and talking to me directly. So many life changes and level ups that can only be a direct effect of the prayers I've prayed and the energy and words I've been putting out into the universe. Which has all been equally a wonderment and an intimidating thing to see happening.

In about a 9 month span I have, been fighting off a depressive state, almost lost my family, lost myself, found myself again, gone through couples therapy, got engaged, proceeded with our move back to the US, found out I was going to be an aunty for the first time, planned an entire wedding in just under 4 months, got married and now here I am celebrating my 34th-birthday.

After the year I've had, I'm happy to be able to sit here in reflection and understand that none of what I overcame was in vain. I understand fully the trigger(s) of my depressive state and work hard, every single day to recognize the moments that do and do not make me feel the greatest and actively concentrate on the moments that DO.

After almost 9 years together my now husband (;P) and I are recognizably on the firmest foundation we've been on since becoming parents and adjusting to new norms. The shift from childless couple to new parents is huge and I don't feel like we talk about that dynamic enough. The continuous struggles of parenting through the different stages makes it that much harder to fully understand because of the constant adjustments that trick you into thinking you've finally got a grip on things, when you don't. I meeeean... it only took us 6 years to recognize that, but the point is we got it now, or are in a good space figuring it all out and the direction we'd like to take moving forward.

Damn. I feel like every time I come here to give a little life update we end up delving deeper than I initially wanted and the vulnerability is screaming! It's not entirely a bad thing, I just hope the message reaches who it needs to reach. If it's you girl, there is a big pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, you've just gotta keep going believing that it's there and with the intention to get to it. Always with intention.

All that to say, 34 feels calm and peaceful. All the choices I've made to get to this space are based on intentional and informed decisions. And I'm proud. And grateful. And happy. Fuuuuck! I'm happy. I am at peace in my mind, and with myself on a soul level.

Last year was heavy.

But here, where I am, where we are, I owe a lot of that to my Milan. 'Cause yes, I've had to do the inner work, the sitting with self and all, but he has gone above and beyond to create the space and environment for all of those things to unravel, and for the pieces to be put back together again. He walked with me through figuring it all out. Selflessly, patiently and full of love. So if ever there was a question of his love and commitment to me, I know that answer now.

Our story is a beautiful one, and one that I hope to share with you all on this platform in the coming weeks. Bare with me, I'm also figthing a silent battle of not wanting to overshare. That's another thing that's kind of shown up out of nowhere... the strong feeling of wanting to preserve our privacy and protecting my family, however, I see the value in being transparent as a young family that have their own struggles. To pull the sheets back on the perception of anyone having the perfect life, or that anyone is exempt from struggles no matter how trivial they may seem. We're all human beings, trying to raise small human beings while wanting to be better. Or at least that's the vibe over here.

So thank you all for the birthday love and wishes, what beautiful energy to be showered with. I hope you feel it back when you come to my little corner on the internet. In the meantime, we are over on instagram. Until next time...


Dress: Old (similar here)

Earrings: Old (similar here , similar here, similar here)

Accessorizing Outfits: How To Take Your Look From Day To Night

For some of us, it's what sets our personal style aside from others. For others, it's just fun. Both instances we care about our outfit.

In today's blog post we are talking about the art of accessorizing and the importance of the accessories you choose for setting the tone for the vibe of the outfit. Let's set the scene... you're headed to a lunch meet with your good, good fashion friend BUT you have to take your little to a play meet up after. You do not have time to go home to change- what do you wear?

This is where a matching set makes your life easier. A jeans and t-shirt combo also works or a basic midi dress.  Your base is solid. Throw on some heels, one or two more shiny pieces (jewelry) than you typically would, and a statement piece which in this look, is the bag.

How you style your hair and do your make up is also part of “accessorizing” so keep that in mind when you choose your details. Dressing up, I would usually opt for hair pulled away from the face. Slicked back hair reads poised and polished.

For a more casual take on this outfit, ie a playdate for the kiddo, comfortable shoes like sneakers or a chunky sandal. A bag that will allow you to freely use your hands like a crossbody or large tote would make your outfit more practical but still stylish. Ditch the excessive jewelry and add some oversized shades and you're bound to look like the cool mom on the playground. Essentially, the accessories you choose will transform your outfit to fit whichever scenario you need to play into.

If accessories are a bit overwhelming for you and not necessarily your strong suit when it comes to an outfit, you can also play up your clothing. For example, fold over the waistline to your jeans/trousers for a more laid-back, casual feel. Fold at the hem to crop pants. Gather your t-shirt at the front, or at the back to create a casual cropped effect. Or simply layer with a denim jacket or a blazer for a more put-together look.

Also, concentrating on 1 statement piece (accessory) and making it work across a few outfits (cc: 1 shoe, 3 ways etc). This a good way to assert your personal style and get your cost per wear, or how I like to say “getting mileage out of your wardrobe pieces.”

In the meantime, head over to Instagram for more details and editorials.


Top + Trousers: Zara

Black Bag: Saint Laurent

Statement Bag: ASOS

Heels: Tony Bianco

Sneakers: Nike Dunks x Air Jordan Collab

Black Sunnies: Monro.rs

Gold Sunnies: NastyGal

That Sweet RV Lifestyle; 6 Months In


I was not happy about this move. First of all, it wasn't even supposed to be a move just yet. We came to visit, stay for a while and be back. Back to our home, back to our routines and back to life as we've known it for the past 5 years.

I've always taken pride in being spontaneous and care-free. I'm easy going and pretty open to new things and ideas. I mean, I'm the girl who just up and moved her whole life to Europe on a whim. So then why is this time any different?

The level of anxiety I've felt over the last few months with our departure dates constantly being pushed back, has been intense. Similar to that sinking, disappointing feeling you get when you've been excited about leftovers all day, just to get home, open the refrigerator and realize someone else got to it first. That painstaking feeling of a few more months without the relief of a daycare or an overnight with "papa" to give you a little break - 'cause damn, you need it.

The other reasons sound a little too shallow to share, but for reference; self-proclaimed fashion blogger here. Hi. Yeah, I can't blog about the same 4 workout clothes I've had in heavy rotation, and not by choice.

I shared on an IG post [here and here] about the "move" back to The States and how eventually it was going to happen. It's something we've talked about over and over again for the last 3 years. Difference is that was the planned, organized with a timeline, town and a home (maybe) to arrive to- version. 25 year old me would've embraced this like a duck to water, but today years old me? Well, she's finding it hard to adjust to the all the newness and embrace it graciously. In other words...she's freaking out!

I feel like the only thing really keeping me afloat right now is knowing that we do eventually go home.

On the other hand, this whole ordeal has forced me to a place I'm not comfortable going to. My emotions. I was never good at feeling my feels, or talking about them for that matter. A lot of times I struggle even assigning a category for them. Am I sad, disappointed, frustrated? When you're unsure about what you're feeling most times it's easier to just move on from them out of fear of revealing a version of yourself that you don't want to, or that you're not used to. And while acknowledging that part, a word that keeps surfacing is vulnerability.

Vulnerability: willingness to show emotion or to allow one's weakness to be seen or known; willingness to risk being emotionally hurt.

Not good at being that either, but I am proud of how - since having a moment of reflection- I have been a lot more 1. intentional and 2. vocal about where I stand emotionally. It was a shock factor not having the chance to, in a sense, get closure from our previous life and not getting the opportunity to mentally prepare for all the newness and adjustments that came with "the new one". Sometimes life throws you major curve balls and you just have to try to bat it with both hands and a firm grip.

So, here we are navigating new terrain in every aspect and trying to excel in our life roles and at the same time being better versions of ourselves while embracing the growth along the way.

Edit: At the time, it was very challenging for me to write this without sounding nagging and ungrateful. I think I started and restarted writing this a few times. All it did was reaffirm how much I do not care for uncertainty. Usually, I'm relatively good at separating myself from anything that makes me feel unsure or uncertain. And in this case, it was situations far beyond my control, and being forced to wallow in it added that extra level of frustration.

And hence, the self discovery journey began. Too many unresolved emotions surfaced and the feeling of not being in tune with yourself or in control of your emotions is scary. Isn't it funny how we equate age to knowing yourself inside and out? In actuality it's the journey of life that dictates how and when you're going to need to dig a little deeper. As the saying goes, hindsight is 20/20 and I'm grateful for these months that brought me closer to myself, and in turn to my family.

One thing I know for sure, is every path is destined. Purposeful and divinely orchestrated for you. Not every season is going to be the winning season and that's ok. Some seasons are there for you to do the ground work in preparation for what you've talked to God about. For me, RV'ing has lead me to tend to some inner works that have been long overdue. So keep doing the things you are called to do and that what your future self will thank you for. Sending you all the good vibes for the week ahead!


Swimsuit: Bebé By Dunja

Dress: Milena Bojic Atelier

Bag: Target

Shoes: Tony Bianco [similar]